Behavioral aspects of the market for Islamic finance Awards
Company Y and Person Z was awarded this and that Islamic finance Award! These days we read this type of news a lot. Through Google search it is easy to estimate that there are more than 80 Awards given out every year in the area of Islamic finance. These awards are given to companies or CEOs or VIPs and except IDB Prizes none if any given to students, researchers, and teachers. In 1983 when I started my career in IDB/IRTI - in Islamic economics and finance area, I was full of emotions and after 30 years of professional work I am still full of emotions. In 1983 the first bullet point in my job description was to develop and implement programs and activities for encouraging and promoting individual and institutional works and initiatives for developing Islamic economics and finance as scientific disciplines and for practical implementation of the related principles, ideas and guidelines. Our team implemented several programs including international prizes for Islamic economics and f...