Islamic Economics and Finance - papers of MN Siddiqi

Papers of Professor MN Siddiqi 

  1. Paper: Future of Islamic Economics, 2012, India
  2. Paper: Islamic Economics Between Aspirations And Realities, March 2013, Aligarh, India
  3. Paper: Future of Islamic Economics: November 2012, IEI, KAU Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
  4. Video: Discussion - Future of Islamic Economics, Part 1 of 2. Nov. 2012, Aligarh, India
  5. Video: Discussion - Future of Islamic Economics, Part 2 of 2. Nov. 2012, Aligarh, India
  6. Video: Interview discussing Riba, Ijtihad, Paper Money and other topics on Islamic Finance, March, 2002
  7. Video: (Starting at time marker 10:09) Part I of LARIBA Symposium on Islamic Finance & Banking. Los Angeles, CA. June, 2001
  8. Islamization of Knowledge: Reflections on Priorities: 2011, Aligarh, India.
  9. Lectures on Islamic Economics: June 2011, Aligarh, India.
  10. The Preacher And The Banker: January 2011, Aligarh, India.
  11. Faith and Finance: April 2010, Harvard University, Boston, Massachusettes.
  12. Dealing With The Financial Crisis: April 2009, Aligarh, India
  13. Risk Management In An Islamic Framework: 15 February 2009, Aligarh, India
  14. Current Financial Crisis And Islamic Economics : 31 October 2008, Aligarh, India
  15. Emergence of Ethical Investment - Key Note Address : 14 June 2008, Institute of Objective Studies, New Delhi
  16. Obstacles to Islamic Economics Research: April 2008, KAAU, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
  17. A Note: Sukuk and Their Role in Islamic Finance: February 2008, LSE/HIFP Seminar
  18. A Note: An Approach to Islamic Economics: October 2007
  19. Future of Islamic Finance: August 2007, Kuala Lumpur
  20. Economics of Tawarruq, February 1, 2007, London, U.K
  21. Role of Shariah Experts, April 21, 2006, Harvard University, Boston, Massachusettes.
  22. Economic Benefits of Islamic Leasing, April 24, 2005, Kuwait.
  23. Relevance And Need For Understanding The Essence Of Religious Traditions, April 8-10, 2005, New Delhi, India.
  24. Wealth of Muslim Nations -- Interview on, October 15, 2004, Pittsburgh, PA
  25. Prelude to Reconstruction, August 4-6, 2004, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  26. Keynote Address, May 26-27, 2004, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
  27. Islamic Finance: Current Legal And Regulatory Issues: May 8-9, 2004, Harvard University, Boston, Massachusettes.
  28. Vote of Thanks: October 7-9, 2003, Bahrain.
  29. Islamic Banking Lectures Overview & Glossary or terms: November 2001, UCLA, Los Angeles, California.
  30. Lecture 1: The Foundations of Islamic Finance
  31. Lecture 2: Recent History of Islamic Banking and Finance
  32. Lecture 3: Problems and Prospects of Islamic Banking and Finance
  33. Islamic Banks: Concepts, Precepts and Prospects: 1998, Islamic Economic Review -- Leicester, U.K
  34. Comparitive Advantages of Islamic Banking & Finance: April 6, 2002, Harvard University, Boston, Massachusettes.
  35. The Wisdom of Prohibition of Interest: March 30, 2002, Los Angeles, California.
  36. Grass-Roots Based Islamic Finance - 16 June 2001, Los Angeles.
  37. Islamic Finance and Beyond: Premises and Promises of Islamic Economics
  38. Islamic Insurance: Takaful Forum - 26 April 2000, New York.
  39. Seminar - Financing Infrastructure Building: Role of Islamic Financial Institutions
  40. Nature and Methodology of Islamic Political Economy
  41. Muslim Minorities In The 21st Century: A Case Study of Indian Muslims
  42. The Spiritual Basis of Economic and Financial Life: The Islamic Perspective
  43. Role of Fiscal Policy in Controlling Inflation in Islamic Framework


    Book: Riba, Bank Interest and the Rationale of it's Prohibition (2004) Interview on "State of Islamic Economics" (May 2000) 


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